The findings show that not enough seniors have barrier-reduced access to their homes and rooms, even if they suffer from mobility restrictions. Policymakers in Germany have recognized that there is too little barrier-free housing and that the need will increase in view of demographic developments. But financial and other barriers keep these people from housing conditions that meet their needs, especially if they live in precarious financial conditions. This is a problem that the German government is trying to address with a programme which provides funding for the removal of barriers in existing buildings. However, the situation is worsened by the lack of affordable housing in general, especially in large cities and their agglomerations, which is an increasingly serious problem in Germany.
The detailed results can be found in:
Nowossadeck, S., Romeu Gordo, L., & Lozano Alcántara, A. (2023). Mobility restriction and barrier-reduced housing among people aged 65 or older in Germany: Do those who need it live in barrier-reduced residences? Frontiers in Public Health 11/2023.
The German Ageing Survey (DEAS) is a representative cross-sectional and longitudinal survey of people in the second half of life. Within the framework of the study, people have been regularly surveyed for more than two decades as they move into old age. The German Ageing Survey is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).