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Pet ownership and psychosocial outcomes among the oldest old in Germany during the Covid-19 pandemic
Hajek, A., Peltzer, K., Veronese, N., König, H.-H., & Gyasi, R. (2024). Pet ownership and psychosocial outcomes among the oldest old in Germany during the Covid-19 pandemic: Findings based on the nationally representative "Old Age in Germany (D80+)". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39(7), e6127
Pet ownership and psychosocial factors in adults aged 40 years and over
Hansen, P.R., König, H.-H., & Hajek, A. (2024). Pet ownership and psychosocial factors in adults aged 40 years and over: Results of a large nationally representative longitudinal survey. Societies, 14(8), 132
Exploring subjective well-being concepts for a deeper understanding of successful aging
Hawig, P. (2024). Exploring subjective well-being concepts for a deeper understanding of successful aging. Masterthesis. University of Twente, Twente
Retirement adjustment in the pandemic: Did risk- and protective factors change?
Henning, G., Segel-Kapas, D., Hyde, M., & Huxhold, O. (2024, preprint). Retirement adjustment in the pandemic: Did risk- and protective factors change?
To what extent do quantitative data collection practices contribute to the (in)visibility of populations of sexual orientation?
Jeremias, F. (2024). To what extent do quantitative data collection practices contribute to the (in)visibility of populations of sexual orientation? A discussion using the German example. Masterarbeit, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin.
Migration background and use of preventive healthcare services: Findings of the German Ageing Survey
Kameraj, A., König, H.-H., & Hajek, A. (2024). Migration background and use of preventive healthcare services: Findings of the German Ageing Survey. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 2442
Differential item functioning along the old age continuum
Kaspar, R., Diehl, M., & Wahl, H.-W. (2024). Differential item functioning along the old age continuum: Contrasting chronological age with contextual variables in the assessment of gains and losses across advanced old age. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 79(6), gbae046
Testing a context-enriched model of successful aging in multiple large data infrastructures with individuals in advanced old age
Kaspar, R., Ehni, H.-J., Schweda, M., & Wahl, H.-W. (2024, online first). Testing a context-enriched model of successful aging in multiple large data infrastructures with individuals in advanced old age. The Gerontologist (gnae117)
Baby Boomers and their voluntary engagement
Kelle, N., Simonson, J., & Henning, G. (2024, online first). Baby Boomers and their voluntary engagement: A cohort comparison among the middle-aged and older population in Germany. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
The role of social network diversity in self-perceptions of aging in later life
Meyer-Wyk, F., & Wurm, S. (2024). The role of social network diversity in self-perceptions of aging in later life. European Journal of Ageing, 21(20), 1-15