Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) of DEAS

For all Scientific Use Files as well as for the documentation of instruments of the German Ageing Survey, DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) have been registered. These are permanent and persistent identifiers used for citation and linking of electronical ressources (f.i., texts, research data or other contents). Each DOI leads to up-to-date, structural meta data on the registered document.

If you use DEAS data or documentation for your publications, please cite the appropriate DOI and by this unambiguously refer to the specific dataset in the specific version you have used for your analyses. By this, it becomes very easy for your audience to gain a quick and precise overview of your data source.

The following table gives an overview of the DEAS datasets and documentation objects with a DOI-registration:



General Information

Documentation of instruments and variables 1996 - 2017DOI 10.5156/DEAS.1996-2017.D.002German-English Version
Documentation of instruments and variables 1996 - 2017DOI 10.5156/DEAS.1996-2017.D.001Previous version, not available anymore
Documentation of instruments and variables 1996 - 2011DOI 10.5156/DEAS.1996-2011.D.001Previous version, not available anymore
GeroStatDOI 10.5156/GEROSTATNot available anymore

DEAS 1996-2021

Since July 2022, we do not publish individual DEAS waves separately - we now offer a combined set of all avalaible survey waves including meta data.
SUFs DEAS 1996-2021, Version 1.110.5156/DEAS.1996-2021.M.002Current Version (including 2021 modules), published on 06/03/2023
SUFs DEAS 1996-2021, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.1996-2021.M.001Previous version, not available anymore

DEAS 2021

Instruments of DEAS Wave 202110.5156/DEAS.2021.D.002English Translation
Instrumente der DEAS-Erhebung 202110.5156/DEAS.2021.D.001German Original Version

DEAS 2020

SUF 2020, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2020.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Instruments of DEAS Compact Survey 202010.5156/DEAS.2020.D.002English Translation
Instrumente DEAS Kurzbefragung 202010.5156/DEAS.2020.D.001German Original Version

DEAS 2017


SUF 2017, Version 2.2

10.5156/DEAS.2017.M.005Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2017, Version 2.110.5156/DEAS.2017.M.004

Previous version, not available anymore

SUF 2017, Version 2.010.5156/DEAS.2017.M.003Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2017, Version 1.110.5156/DEAS.2017.M.002Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2017, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2017.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Instruments of the Sixth DEAS Wave 201710.5156/DEAS.2017.D.002English Translation
Instrumente DEAS 201710.5156/DEAS.2017.D.001Deutsche Originalversion

DEAS 2014

SUF 2014, Version 4.1


Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2014, Version 4.010.5156/DEAS.2014.M.006

Previous version, not available anymore

SUF 2014, Version 3.010.5156/DEAS.2014.M.005Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2014, Version 2.010.5156/DEAS.2014.M.004Previous version, not available anymore
Neighbourhood Context Indicators 2014, infas 360, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2014.M.003Current Version, published on 15/01/2018
Neighbourhood Context Indicators 2014, Microm, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2014.M.002Current Version, published on 15/01/2018
SUF 2014, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2014.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Instruments of the Fifth DEAS Wave 201410.5156/DEAS.2014.D.002English Translation
Instrumente der DEAS-Erhebung 201410.5156/DEAS.2014.D.001Deutsche Originalversion

DEAS 2011

SUF 2011, Version 2.210.5156/DEAS.2011.M.005Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2011, Version 2.110.5156/DEAS.2011.M.004

Previous version, not available anymore

Neighbourhood Context Indicators 2011, Microm, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2011.M.003Current Version, published on 15/01/2018
SUF 2011, Version 2.010.5156/DEAS.2011.M.002Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2011, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2011.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Research Design and Instruments, DEAS 201110.5156/DEAS.2011.D.002English Translation
Research Design and Instruments, DEAS 201110.5156/DEAS.2011.D.001Deutsche Originalversion

DEAS 2008

SUF 2008, Version 3.210.5156/DEAS.2008.M.006Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2008, Version 3.110.5156/DEAS.2008.M.005Previous version, not available anymore
Neighbourhood Context Indicators 2008, Microm, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2008.M.004

Current Version, published on 15/05/2012

SUF 2008, Version 3.010.5156/DEAS.2008.M.003Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2008, Version 2.010.5156/DEAS.2008.M.002Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2008, Version 1.210.5156/DEAS.2008.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Research Design and Instruments, DEAS 200810.5156/DEAS.2008.D.002English Translation
Research design and instruments, DEAS 200810.5156/DEAS.2008.D.001Deutsche Originalversion

DEAS 2002

SUF 2002, Version 3.210.5156/DEAS.2002.M.006Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2002, Version 3.110.5156/DEAS.2002.M.005Previous version, not available anymore
Neighbourhood Context Indicators 2002, Microm, Version 1.010.5156/DEAS.2002.M.004

Current Version, published on 15/05/2012

SUF 2002, Version 3.010.5156/DEAS.2002.M.003Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2002, Version 2.010.5156/DEAS.2002.M.002Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 2002, Version 1.110.5156/DEAS.2002.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Research Design and Instruments, DEAS 200210.5156/DEAS.2002.D.002English Translation
Research design and instruments, DEAS 200210.5156/DEAS.2002.D.001Deutsche Originalversion

DEAS 1996

SUF 1996, Version 3.110.5156/DEAS.1996.M.005Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 1996, Version 3.010.5156/DEAS.1996.M.004Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 1996, Version 2.110.5156/DEAS.1996.M.003Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 1996, Version 2.010.5156/DEAS.1996.M.002Previous version, not available anymore
SUF 1996, Version 1.110.5156/DEAS.1996.M.001Previous version, not available anymore
Research design and instruments, DEAS 199610.5156/DEAS.1996.D.001Deutsche Originalversion