
For each DEAS survey year, a number of documentation objects are available. We are working on expanding our range of documentation in English.

  • In the Survey Instruments, questionnaires resp. CAPI-templates in their original version are documented – for 2002 and 2008 in an English translation as well.
  • In the Short Descriptions (Kurzbeschreibungen) you will find detailled information on the sampling procedure, the classification scheme of the variable names and explanations for the user-friendly generated and constructed variables. The Short Descriptions are currently only in German.
  • Registered users may receive the SPSS-Syntax used to generate the constructed variables. Please contact the FDZ team.
  • In order to facilitate longitudinal and time-series analyses, the FDZ-DZA offers a Variable Correspondence List (with English and German variable labels). With this chart, it becomes obvious which information has been surveyed in which year and how the respective variable names are named.
  • In the Codebooks we compiled every variable of each survey year with their individual categories (including missing values), labels and overall frequencies.
  • The sampling procedure, the conducting of the survey and the data gathering for all DEAS waves to date have been executed by the infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft (Bonn).
  • For the supplemental data (regional context information, job demands), documentation is also provided (currently in German only).


If you use the content of these documentation objects for publications, we kindly request you to indicate the source according to the rules of good scientific work.

General Information

DEAS Citation Rules

Confirmation of Data Deletion

Correspondence of Variables
Documentation of Variables
Innovations in DEAS weighting factors
Collected features of grandchildren
Variables concerning grandchildren
Regional Context Information

Survey year 2020/2021Limited availability of additional modules (in English)
Survey Instruments 2020/2021 (in German)
Survey Instruments 2020/2021 (in English)
Kurzbeschreibung 2020/2021 (in German)
User Manual 2020/2021 (in English)
Methodological Report 2020/2021 (in German)
Codebook 2020/2021 (in German)
Codebook 2020/2021 (in English)
Survey year 2020Survey Instruments Compact Survey 2020  (in German)
Survey Instruments Compact Survey 2020 (in English)
Short Description Compact Survey 2020 (in German)
User Manual Compact Survey 2020 (in English)
Methodological Report Compact Survey 2020 (in German)
Codebook Compact Survey 2020 (in German)
Codebook Compact Survey 2020 (in English)
Survey Year 2017Survey instruments 2017 (in German)
Survey instruments 2017 (in English)
Kurzbeschreibung 2017 (in German)
User Manual 2017 (in English)
Methodological Report 2017 (in German)
Codebook 2017 (in German)
Codebook 2017 (in English)
Survey Year 2014

Survey instruments 2014 (in German)
Survey instruments 2014 (in English)
Short Description 2014 (in German)
User Manual 2014 (in English)
Methodological Chapter 2014 (in German)
Methodological Report 2014 (in German)
Codebook 2014 (in German)
Codebook 2014 (in English)

Survey Year 2011

Survey Instruments 2011 (in German)
Survey Instruments 2011 (in English)
Short Description 2011 (in German)
User Manual 2011 (in English)
Methodological chapter 2011 (in German)
Methodological Report 2011 (in German)
Codebook 2011 (in German)
Codebook 2011 (in English)

Survey Year 2008Survey Instruments 2008 (in German)
Survey Instruments 2008 (in English)
Short Description 2008 (in German)
User Manual 2008 (in English)
Samples and survey methods (in German)
Methodological Report 2008 (in German)
Codebook 2008 (in German)
Codebook 2008 (in English)
Survey Year 2002Survey Instruments 2002 (in German)
Survey Instruments 2002 (in English)
Short Description 2002 (in German)
Methodological Report 2002 (in German)
Codebook 2002 (in German)
Codebook 2002 (in English)
Survey Year 1996Survey Instruments 1996 (in German)
Short Description 1996 (in German)
Methodological Report 1996 (in German)
Codebook 1996 (in German)
Codebook 1996 (in English)

You will find an overview of all DEAS-related DOIs here.

A detailled description of the data base and survey methodology of the DEAS can be found in the following publications (in German):

  • Klaus, D., Engstler, H., Mahne, K., Wolff, J. K., Simonson, J., Wurm, S., & Tesch-Römer, C. (2017). Cohort Profile: The German Ageing Survey (DEAS). International Journal of Epidemiology, 46:(4), 1105-1105g doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw326
  • Klaus, D., & Engstler, H. (2016). Daten und Methoden des Deutschen Alterssurveys. In K. Mahne, J. K. Wolff, J. Simonson & C. Tesch-Römer (Eds.), Altern im Wandel: Zwei Jahrzehnte Deutscher Alterssurvey (pp. 29-45). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Open Access. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-12502-8_2.
  • Engstler, H., & Schmiade, N. (2013). The German Aging Survey (DEAS) - A longitudinal and time-series study of people in the second half of life. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 133(1), 97-107. doi: 10.3790/schm.133.1.97
  • Engstler, H., & Motel-Klingebiel, A. (2010). Datengrundlagen und Methoden des Deutschen Alterssurveys (DEAS). In A. Motel-Klingebiel, S. Wurm & C. Tesch-Römer (Eds.), Altern im Wandel. Befunde des Deutschen Alterssurveys (DEAS) (pp. 34-60). Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
  • Engstler, H., & Wurm, S. (2006). Datengrundlagen und Methodik. In C. Tesch-Römer, H. Engstler & S. Wurm (Eds.), Altwerden in Deutschland. Sozialer Wandel und individuelle Entwicklung in der zweiten Lebenshälfte (pp. 47-83). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Selected Publications using DEAS data are compiled here.