Various projects in the field of policy consulting have been settled at the DZA in the past.

Information Centre on Long-term Care Charter

The Information Centre on Long-term Care Charter at the German Centre of Gerontology was established in December 2009 until June 2012 by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth with the objective to support further improvements in the quality of long-term care and assistance for the elderly. The Information Centre was the follow-up project of the Co-ordinating Office Long-term Care. Its core activities were to further disseminate the Charter of Rights for People in Need of Long-Term Care and Assistance and to support its implementation process. 

For further information about the Long-term Care Charter please visit:

Round Table Care

In order to improve the living conditions of persons in need of care in Germany, the German Federal Ministery for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth and German Federal Ministery for Health and Social Security initiated the “Round Table Care” in 2003. Between 2003 and 2005, about 200 experts from associations, Federal Government, “Laender” (German states), municipalities, practice and science worked together and developed recommendations. An example of the work is the Charter of Rights for People in Need of Long-Term Care and Assistance.

German Office "International Plan of Action on Ageing"

The German Office “International Plan of Action on Ageing”, located in Bonn, was a scientific coordination office of the German Federal Ministery for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth for the German contribution for the International Plan of Action on Ageing. The United Nations Second World Assembly on Ageing adopted the Madrid Political Declaration and International Plan of Action on Ageing in 2002 (Madrid, April 2002). Dr. Stefan Pohlmann, Christine Massion and Wendy Marth were responsible for the German Office “International Plan of Action on Ageing”.

The Co-ordinating Office Long-term Care

The Co-ordinating Office Long-term Care at the German Centre of Gerontology was established in January 2007 until December 2009 by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth with the objective to support further improvements in the quality of long-term care and assistance for the elderly.

Core activities of the Co-ordinating Office were:

  • to disseminate the Charter of Rights for People in Need of Long-Term Care and Assistance and to support its implementation process.
  • to support the Ministry in planning and organizing a campaign for professions within the field of long-term care (Fachkampagne „Berufsfeld: Moderne Altenpflege“).

Central activities of the Co-ordinating Office were the conceptual preparation and support of the Ministry’s public relations regarding the Charter and the monitoring of transfer-oriented model projects. The office also had the responsibility to respond to queries relating to the Charter from health professionals and the general public. Moreover, the Co-ordinating Office supported the Ministry in organizing public events addressing long-term care and support for the elderly. At these meetings, workshops and conferences practitioners, interest groups, transfer institutions and representatives of science and research had the opportunity to gather information and discuss new solutions.

For further information about the Charter please visit:

For further information about this campaign (available only in German) please visit:,did=112806.html