The German Federal Government appoints a commission of experts to prepare the Government Report on Older People in Germany regulary.

The office at the German Centre of Gerontology has been supporting the expert commission since 1995. Support includes organisational matters as well as providing parts of the report content.

In Germany, a wide range of studies and projects provide a wealth of information on the situation of older people and support the political decision-making process. The German Government Reports on Older people constitute the leading source in the field. These reports are compiled in every legislative period, instigated by a resolution of the German parliament. Reports on specific topics alternate with general reports with an overall perspective.

The Expert Commission for the preparation of the Ninth Report on Older People of the Federal Government started its work on 06 July 2022. Eleven experts from the fields of psychology, social science, gerontology, nursing and health science were commissioned by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Lisa Paus, to prepare a report on the topic of "Growing Old in Germany - Potentials and Opportunities for Participation" by spring 2024. You can find out more about the Ninth Report on Older People at

For information on the Eighth Report on Ageing and on the previous Ageing Reports please look:

Team of the Office