Old Age in Germany (D80+)

More and more people are reaching old and very old age in Germany. However, little is known about their living situations. The German Survey on Old Age: Old Age in Germany (D80+) therefore investigated the living situations and quality of life of people aged 80 and over. The D80+ survey for the very old was a population-representative survey in which people in private households and institutions aged 80 and over were interviewed.

Here you find Information to the following completed projects:

Completed Projects

German Survey on Volunteering (FWS)

The German Survey on Volunteering (FWS) is a representative survey of voluntary activities of persons aged 14 and older in Germany. The data collections of the years 1999, 2004 and 2009 were conducted by TNS Infratest. From December 2011 until 2021 the survey was scientifically managed and supervised by the German Centre of Gerontology (DZA). The interviews of the fourth wave 2014 and the fifth wave 2019 were conducted by infas – Institute for Applied Social Sciences in 2014.

Health Trajectories Into Old Age

Funded by the GKV Association, the German Centre of Gerontology (DZA) investigated from 2018 to 2021 typical courses and factors influencing changes in functional health in the course of ageing. The DZA cooperated with the Institute for Medical Sociology and Rehabilitation Science at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Housing Affordability in Older Households

The project "Entwicklung der Wohnkostenbelastung im Alter – Risikofaktor für finanzielle Überbelastung und Altersarmut?" ["Development of Housing Cost Burden in Old Age - Risk Factor for Financial Overburden and Old-Age Poverty?"] examined how housing costs develop in comparison to old-age income over the course of age for people aged 60 and older.

Research Consortium AMA


Personal Resources of Elderly People with Multimorbidity: Fortification of Effective Health Behaviour

Project LAW

Health in Old Age


Elder Engagement

Older Migrants