Dr. Ulrike Ehrlich
Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZA)Manfred-von-Richthofen-Straße
12101 Berlin
Dr. Ulrike Ehrlich+49 30 260 740-13
+49 30 260 740-33

Research Interests
- Reconciliation of family care and paid work
- Family care and well-being
- Social inequality
- since 2018 Research Scientist, German Centre of Gerontology (DZA), Berlin
- 2018 Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), University of Bremen/Jacobs University
- 2017 Research Scientist, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin
- 2014–2017 Research Assistant, SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, Bremen University
- 2008–2013 Student research assistant, German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
- 2012 Master of Arts in Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin
- 2008 Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin
Selected Publications
- Ehrlich, U. (2023). The association between family care and paid work among women in Germany: Does the household economic context matter? Work, Employment and Society, 37(1), 117–136. DOI: 10.1177/09500170211069841 (first published online May 12, 2022)
- Henning, G., Ehrlich, U., Gow, A. J., Kelle, N., & Muniz-Terrera, G. (2023). Longitudinal associations of volunteering, grandparenting, and family care with processing speed: A gender perspective on prosocial activity and cognitive aging in the second half of life. Psychology and Aging 38(8), 790–807. DOI: 10.1037/pag0000780
- Möhring, K., Zinn, S. Ehrlich, U. (2023). Family care during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany: longitudinal evidence on consequences for the well-being of caregivers. European Journal of Ageing, 20(15). DOI: 10.1007/s10433-023-00761-2
- Ehrlich, U., Kelle, N., Klaus, D., Möhring, U. (2022). How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the wellbeing of family care-givers? A longitudinal study of older adults in Germany. Ageing & Society. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X22000873 .
- Ehrlich, U., Möhring, K., Drobnič, S. (2020). What Comes after Caring? The Impact of Family Care on Women’s Employment. Journal of Family Issues 41(9), 1387–1419 DOI: 10.1177/0192513X19880934 (first published online October 16, 2019)
- Ehrlich, U., Minkus, L., Hess, M. (2020). Einkommensrisiko Pflege? Der Zusammenhang von familiärer Pflege und Lohn [The care-wage penalty: the association between family care and wages]. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 53(1), 22–28 DOI: 10.1007/s00391-019-01666-5
- Ehrlich, U., Kelle, N. (2019): Pflegende Angehörige in Deutschland: Wer pflegt, wo, für wen und wie? [Family caregivers in Germany: Who provides care? Where? For whom? And how?] Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 65(2), 175–203. DOI: 10.1515/zsr-2019-0007
- Ehrlich, U. (2019): Familiäre Pflege und Erwerbsarbeit: Auf dem Weg zu einer geschlechtergerechten Aufteilung? [Family care and paid work: On the way towards more gender equality?] Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 69(33-34), 49–54.
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