For the Scientific Use File as well as for the documentation of instruments of the PREFER 2009 study, DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) have been registered. These are permanent and persistent identifiers used for citation and linking of electronical ressources (f.i., texts, research data or other contents). Each DOI leads to up-to-date, structural meta data on the registered document.If you use PREFER data or documentation for your publications, please cite the appropriate DOI and by this unambiguously refer to the specific dataset in the specific version you have used for your analyses. By this, it becomes very easy for your audience to gain a quick and precise overview of your data source.The following table gives an overview of the PREFER dataset and documentation object with a DOI-registration:



Scientific Use Files

Scientific Use File PREFER 2009, Version 1.010.5156/PREFER.2009.M.001Version 1.0 of PREFER I data, published June 22, 2017 (German labels only)


Research Instruments PREFER 2009


German Original Version