Regional Context Data

  • Indicators on district level

    For all DEAS waves, indicators of regional context on a NUTS3-level (Kreise) can be matched to take the geographical embeddedness of the respondents into consideration (for example, in multi-level analyses, or as controlling variables). The indicators are compiled by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development in their indicator system INKAR. The list of all structural characteristics available can be found on (German only).

  • Indicators on street or postal code level
    Further, starting with DEAS wave 2002 more detailled regional context information on the level of anonymous residential quarters are available. As this address data is highly sensitive, the data matching process with the living-quarter related data collected by microm Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH (Neuss) and infas 360 GmbH (Bonn)  took place under strict obedience of the rules of data protection, i.e. the separation of address and survey information. These micro-geographical data offer a wide range of indicators at a spatial scale corresponding to the zip-code level. Most of the indicators are estimates of neighbourhood characteristics such as type of residential area, social structure of inhabitants, predominant social milieus or purchasing power and level of unemployment. 

For reasons of data protection, working with these regional indicators is only possible at a specifically protected user working station at the premises of the DZA. Should you be interested, please contact the FDZ-DZA team.

List of neighbourhood context indicators 2017, infas 36

List of neighbourhood context indicators 2014, infas 360 (German only)

List of neighbourhood context indicators 2014, Microm (German only)

List of neighbourhood context indicators 2011 (German only)

List of neighbourhood context indicators 2008 (German only)

List of neighbourhood context indicators 2002 (German only)