Job demands

For base and panel samples 2002 and 2008 the FDZ-DEAS can provide information on job demands in occupations. These data have not been surveyed within the DEAS survey itself but are based on the scales of job demands by Kroll (2011). The scales values can be linked to each respondent with valid information on occupation, matching data by the ISCO-code. The resulting variables quantify the average job demands for the specific occupation; the values range from 1 to 10 and refer to deciles of job demands (for instance, a job demand value of 1 means this occupation belongs to the 10% of occupations that are the least demanding).

Job demands information is available in three scales: physical, psycho-social and overall. These three variables can be obtained for most information on occupation from the year 2000 on: for the current or last employment position of the respondent and their partner as well as the last employment position of the partner at the time when the couple was separating or before the now separated partner finished their employment career.

The job demand scales can be included in analyses as control variables which take into account the unequally distributed job demands over all occupations. Additionally, the average job demands in a specific position can be contrasted with the subjective demands at the workplace (available as direct respondent information in DEAS).

You can find further information in the documentation on job demand scales (in German only). If you are interested in working with these variables, please contact the FDZ-DZA team.