The list includes reported and researched publications by users of DEAS and D80+. The overview does not claim to be completed. You are a data user and do not find your publication? Please send us your missing information about your study.

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Publications using DEAS data 2006-2024 (PDF)

Publications using D80+ data 2021-2024 (PDF)


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other publications

Between privilege and burden

Scherger, S., Lux, T., Hagemann, S., & Hokema, A. (2012). Between privilege and burden: work past retirement age in Germany and the UK. ZeS-Working paper. Bremen: Zentrum für Sozialpolitik.

refereed journal article

Emotions and physical health in the second half of life

Schöllgen, I., Huxhold, O., & Schmiedek, F. (2012). Emotions and physical health in the second half of life: interindividual differences in age-related trajectories and dynamic associations according to socioeconomic status. Psychology and Aging, 27(2), 338-352

book section

Soziale Ungleichheit im Alter

Schütze, Y. (2012). Soziale Ungleichheit im Alter. In P. Kielmansegg & H. Häfner (Eds.), Alter und Altern (Vol. 22, pp. 115-123). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

book section

Personale Ressourcen für Autonomie trotz Multimorbidität

Schüz, B., Warner, L. M., Wurm, S., Ziegelmann, J. P., Tesch-Römer, C., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Personale Ressourcen für Autonomie trotz Multimorbidität. In A. Kuhlmey & C. Tesch-Römer (Eds.), Autonomie trotz Multimorbidität : Ressourcen für Selbstständigkeit und Selbstbestimmung im Alter (pp. 83-110). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

refereed journal article

Self-efficacy and multiple illness representations in older adults

Schüz, B., Wurm, S., Warner, L. M., & Ziegelmann, J. P. (2012). Self-efficacy and multiple illness representations in older adults: a multilevel approach. Psychology & Health, 27(1), 13-29.

Self-efficacy and multiple illness representations in older adults: A multilevel approach

Schüz, B., Wurm, S., Warner, L. M., & Ziegelmann, J. P. (2012). Self-efficacy and multiple illness representations in older adults: A multilevel approach. Psychology & Health, 21, 13-29. 

refereed journal article

Contextual and individual predictors of physical activity

Schüz, B., Wurm, S., Ziegelmann, J. P., Wolff, J. K., Warner, L. M., Schwarzer, R., & Tesch-Römer, C. (2012). Contextual and individual predictors of physical activity:  interactions between environmental factors and health cognitions. Health Psychology, 31(6), 714-723

book section

Die Erwerbsbiografien der Babyboomer

Simonson, J. (2012). Die Erwerbsbiografien der Babyboomer: ein Risiko für Altersarmut? In H.-G. Soeffner (Ed.), Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen. Verhandlungen des 35. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Frankfurt am Main 2010 (pp. 12 S.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, CD-Rom.

refereed journal article

Statistical matching of the German Aging Survey

Simonson, J., Romeu Gordo, L., & Kelle, N. (2012). Statistical matching of the German Aging Survey and the sample of active pension accounts as a source for analyzing life courses and old age incomes. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 37(2), 185-210.