The database as well as both lists include reported and researched publications by users of DEAS and D80+. The database gives you the possibility to filter the publications according to year of publication, author, titel, project and/or type of publication.
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It is our mission to make all studies based on our data publicly accessible. In order to achieve this goal, we additionally add DEAS and D80+ studies to SSOAR ( and Zenodo (, if they were published with a CC-BY or CC-BY-Share Alike 4.0 license. We will inform the first authors in advance.
Private and public transfers between generations
Kohli, M. (1999). Private and public transfers between generations: linking the family and the state. European Societies, 1(1), 81-104
Gesellschaftliche Partizipation älterer Menschen aus differentieller Sicht
Tesch-Römer, C. (1999). Gesellschaftliche Partizipation älterer Menschen aus differentieller Sicht. In H.-W. M. Wahl, Heidrun & F. Oswald (Eds.), Alte Menschen in ihrer Umwelt (pp. 210-218). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Forschungsgruppe Altern und Lebenslauf (FALL)
Dittmann-Kohli, F., Kohli, M., Künemund, H., Motel, A., Steinleitner, C., & Westerhof, G. J. (1997). Forschungsgruppe Altern und Lebenslauf (FALL): Lebenszusammenhänge, Selbst- und Lebenskonzeptionen. Erhebungsdesign und Instrumente des Alters-Survey. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin