The list includes reported and researched publications by users of DEAS and D80+. The overview does not claim to be completed. You are a data user and do not find your publication? Please send us your missing information about your study.

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Publications using DEAS data 2006-2024 (PDF)

Publications using D80+ data 2021-2024 (PDF)


You have the possibility to filter the publications according to year of publication, author, titel, project and/or type of publication.

refereed journal article

Trends in civil society

Schmiade, N., Vogel, C., Lux, K., & Simonson, J. (2014). Trends in civil society: The German Survey on Volunteering 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014 (Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey - FWS). Schmollers Jahrbuch, 134 (2), 249-258.

book section

On the supporting role of friendship for parents and non-parents in later life

Schnettler, S., & Wöhler, T. (2014). On the supporting role of friendship for parents and non-parents in later life: A comparative analysis uising data from three waves of the German Aging Survey. In M. Löw (Ed.), Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt: Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund 2012, CD-ROM. Frankfurt a.Main: Campus.

Multiple illness perceptions in older adults: Effects on physical functioning and medication adherence

Schüz, B., Wolff, J. K., Warner, L. M., Ziegelmann, J. P., & Wurm, S. (2014). Multiple illness perceptions in older adults: Effects on physical functioning and medication adherence. Psychology & Health, 29, 442-457. 

refereed journal article

Multiple illness perceptions in older adults: effects on physical functioning and medication adherence

Schüz, B., Wolff, J. K., Warner, L. M., Ziegelmann, J. P., & Wurm, S. (2014). Multiple illness perceptions in older adults: effects on physical functioning and medication adherence. Psychology & Health, 29(4), 442-457.

refereed journal article

Health motives and health behaviour

Schüz, B., Wurm, S., Warner, L. M., Wolff, J. ,K. & Schwarzer, R. (2014). Health motives and health behaviour self-regulation in older adults. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (3), 491-500.

non-refereed journal article

Einsamkeits-Trends in der zweiten Lebenshälfte

Tesch-Römer, C., Wiest, M., Wurm, S., & Huxhold, O. (2014). Einsamkeits-Trends in der zweiten Lebenshälfte: Befunde aus dem Deutschen Alterssurvey (DEAS). Informationsdienst Altersfragen, 41(1), 3-8.

refereed journal article

Regional economic performance and distance between parents and their employed children

van den Broek, T., Dykstra, P. A., & Schenk, N. (2014). Regional economic performance and distance between parents and their employed children: a multilevel analysis. Population Space and Place, 20(3), 222-234.

book section

Aktives Altern

Vogel, C. (2014). Aktives Altern: freiwilliges Engagement vor und nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand. In K. Kaudelka & G. Isenbort (Hrsg.), Altern ist Zukunft! (S. 125-129). Bielefeld: transcript.

other publications

Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey 1999

Vogel, C., & Gensicke, T. (2014). Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey 1999: Dokumentation des Erhebungsdesigns und Instruments der ersten Befragungswelle des Freiwilligensurveys (FWS 1999). DZA Diskussionspapier Nr. 55. Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen.

other publications

German Survey on Volunteering 1999 - Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey (FWS): Documentation of the Design and Instrument of the First Wave of the Survey on Volunteering (FWS 1999)

Vogel, C., & Gensicke, T. (2014). German Survey on Volunteering 1999 - Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey (FWS): Documentation of the Design and Instrument of the First Wave of the Survey on Volunteering (FWS 1999). DZA Diskussionspapier Nr. 55 [English version]. Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen.