The list includes reported and researched publications by users of DEAS and D80+. The overview does not claim to be completed. You are a data user and do not find your publication? Please send us your missing information about your study.

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Publications using DEAS data 2006-2024 (PDF)

Publications using D80+ data 2021-2024 (PDF)


You have the possibility to filter the publications according to year of publication, author, titel, project and/or type of publication.

refereed journal article

Community centers for older adults and psychosocial factors

Hajek, A., Kretzler, B., Gyasi, R. M., & König, H.-H. (2023). Community centers for older adults and psychosocial factors: Evidence from the German Ageing Survey. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(3), e5901

refereed journal article

Neighbourhood cohesion, loneliness and perceived social isolation prior and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Hajek, A., Kretzler, B., Walther, C., Aarabi, G., Zwar, L., & König, H.-H. (2023). Neighbourhood cohesion, loneliness and perceived social isolation prior and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal evidence from the German Ageing Survey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 58(9), 1411-1420

refereed journal article

Sports and cultural volunteering

Hallmann, K., & Artime, C. M. (2023). Sports and cultural volunteering: competitive or complementary activities? VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 34(2), 263-275.

book section

Wahrgenommene Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die Lebenssituation älterer Menschen

Hansen, S., Schäfer, N., & Kaspar, R. (2023, online first). Wahrgenommene Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die Lebenssituation älterer Menschen. In R. Kaspar, J. Simonson, C. Tesch-Römer, M. Wagner, & S. Zank (Eds.), Hohes Alter in Deutschland (pp. 11-40). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

academic publication

Partnerschaftliche Pflege und deren Auswirkung auf Partnerschaftsmerkmale

Happich, F. (2023). Partnerschaftliche Pflege und deren Auswirkung auf Partnerschaftsmerkmale: eine longitudinale Analyse von partnerschaftlicher Pflege und Pflegeerhalt in Deutschland. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg

other publications

Bücherlesen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte: Welche Zusammenhänge gibt es mit Aspekten von Lebensqualität und Gesundheit?

Hartmann, S., Klasen, L., Keller, N., & Huxhold, O. (2023). Bücherlesen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte: Welche Zusammenhänge gibt es mit Aspekten von Lebensqualität und Gesundheit? DZA Aktuell Heft 04/2023. Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen

other publications

Reading books in the second half of life: What correlations are there with aspects of quality of life and health?

Hartmann, S., Klasen, L., Keller, N., & Huxhold, O. (2023). Reading books in the second half of life: What correlations are there with aspects of quality of life and health? DZA Aktuell Issue 04/2023 [English version]. Berlin: German Centre of Gerontology

book section

Sozioökonomische Potenziale des Alters

Heinze, R. G., & Schneiders, K. (2023). Sozioökonomische Potenziale des Alters. In K. W. Hank, M. Wagner, & S. Zank (Eds.), Alternsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium (2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, pp. 199-223). Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag.

refereed journal article

Retirement and volunteering in Germany

Henning, G., Arriagada, C., & Karnick, N. (2023, online first). Retirement and volunteering in Germany: historical changes and social inequalities. Research on Aging, 1-28.

refereed journal article

Longitudinal associations of volunteering, grandparenting and family care with processing speed

Henning, G., Ehrlich, U., Gow, A. J., Kelle, N., & Muniz-Terrera, G. (2023). Longitudinal associations of volunteering, grandparenting and family care with processing speed: A gender perspective on prosocial activity and cognitive aging in the second half of life. Psychology and Aging, 38(8), 790-807