Research and policy consulting publications: search for books, book-chapters and journal articles by DZA authors and series published by the institute.

In various ways the German Institute of Gerontology contributes to the dissemination of knowledge by publishing research findings, social reports, policy consulting papers as well as by giving access to its research data. Many of them are published in scientific journals or books by academic publishing houses.
The DZA prevarably is endavouring to provide an open and free access to its publications; at the time, many, but not all of them, are accessible free of charge. The DZA has signed the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (2003)" and, in its spirit, makes most of its publications available in open access (accessible free of charge, re-usable, sustainable and provided with structured metadata).

Actual findings from gerontological research are published in the following series (german only) and can be downloaded:

book chapter

Age discrimination in the pandemic was not the rule - every twentieth person in the second half of life reported experiencing discrimination because of their age

Wettstein, M., & Nowossadeck, S. (2023). Age discrimination in the pandemic was not the rule - every twentieth person in the second half of life reported experiencing discrimination because of their age. In: J. Simonson, J. Wünsche & C. Tesch-Römer (Hrsg.) Ageing in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic (S. 215-233). Wiesbaden: Springer.

book chapter

How did individuals in the second half of life experience the Covid-19 crisis? Perceived threat of the Covid-19 crisis and subjective influence on a possible infection with Covid-19

Wettstein, M., Vogel, C., Nowossadeck, S., Spuling, S. M., & Tesch-Römer, C. (2023). How did individuals in the second half of life experience the Covid-19 crisis? Perceived threat of the Covid-19 crisis and subjective influence on a possible infection with Covid-19. In: J. Simonson, J. Wünsche & C. Tesch-Römer (Hrsg.) Ageing in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic (S. 61-80). Wiesbaden: Springer.

series DZA Aktuell (german only)

Partnerschaftsqualität in der Corona-Pandemie: Menschen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte sind in ihren Paarbeziehungen anpassungsfähig

Wünsche, J., Hameister, N., & Huxhold, O. (2023): Partnerschaftsqualität in der Corona-Pandemie: Menschen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte sind in ihren Paarbeziehungen anpassungsfähig. DZA Aktuell 01/2023

series DZA Aktuell (german only)

Partnership quality in the Covid-19 pandemic: People in the second half of life are adaptable in their couple relationships

Wünsche, J., Hameister, N., & Huxhold, O. (2023): Partnership quality in the Covid-19 pandemic: People in the second half of life are adaptable in their couple relationships. [DZA Aktuell 01/2023 english version]

series Fact Sheet (german only)

Regionale Unterschiede in den Lebensbedingungen älterer Menschen [DZA-Fact Sheet)

Wünsche. J., & Nowossadeck, S. (2023). Regionale Unterschiede in den Lebensbedingungen älterer Menschen [DZA-Fact Sheet). Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen.

book chapter

Motive für freiwilliges Engagement, Beendigungsgründe, Hinderungsgründe und Engagementbereitschaft

Arriagada, C., & Karnick, N. (2022). Motive für freiwilliges Engagement, Beendigungsgründe, Hinderungsgründe und Engagementbereitschaft. In: J. Simonson, N. Kelle, C. Kausmann & C. Tesch-Römer (Hrsg.) Freiwilliges Engagement in Deutschland – Der Deutsche Freiwilligensurvey 2019 (S. 125–150). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

book chapter

Politische Partizipation

Arriagada, C., & Tesch-Römer, C. (2022). Politische Partizipation. In: J. Simonson, N. Kelle, C. Kausmann & C. Tesch-Römer (Hrsg.) Freiwilliges Engagement in Deutschland – Der Deutsche Freiwilligensurvey 2019 (S. 263-289). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

journal article

Die frühe Phase nutzen - Das Potenzial der Digitalisierung für Menschen mit Demenz

Boos, B., & Lärm, A. (2022). Die frühe Phase nutzen - Das Potenzial der Digitalisierung für Menschen mit Demenz. Angehörige pflegen (1/22), S. 34-36.

journal article

Digitalisierung für Menschen mit Demenz

Boos, B., & Lärm, A. (2022). Digitalisierung für Menschen mit Demenz. Pro Alter, 54(1), S. 34-36.

series Fact Sheet (german only)

Ältere Menschen in Partnerschaft: Befunde des Deutschen Alterssurveys (DEAS) 1996-2020/21

Bünning, M. (2022): Ältere Menschen in Partnerschaft: Befunde des Deutschen Alterssurveys (DEAS) 1996-2020/21. [DZA-Fact Sheet]. Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen.