The list includes reported and researched publications by users of DEAS and D80+. The overview does not claim to be completed. You are a data user and do not find your publication? Please send us your missing information about your study.

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Publications using DEAS data 2006-2024 (PDF)

Publications using D80+ data 2021-2024 (PDF)


You have the possibility to filter the publications according to year of publication, author, titel, project and/or type of publication.

refereed journal article

Hohes Alter

Schulz-Nieswandt, F. (2024). Hohes Alter. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 76(3), 103-106

book section

Analyse zu Altersarmut in Baden-Württemberg

Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg (Ed.) (2024). Analyse zu Altersarmut in Baden-Württemberg. In Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration Baden-Württemberg (Ed.), Erster Bericht zur gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe: Altersarmut in Baden-Württemberg (pp. 1-52). Stuttgart: Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration Baden-Württemberg

refereed journal article

Postponing old age: Evidence for historical change toward a later perceived onset of old age

Wettstein, M., Park, R., Kornadt, A. E., Wurm, S., Ram, N., & Gerstorf, D. (2024, online first). Postponing old age: Evidence for historical change toward a later perceived onset of old age. Psychology and Aging

other publications

Deutscher Alterssurvey

Wikipedia (2024). Deutscher Alterssurvey. San Francisco: Wikipedia

other publications

German Ageing Survey

Wikipedia (2024). German Ageing Survey. San Francisco: Wikipedia

refereed journal article

Caregiving intensity and its association with subjective views of ageing among informal caregivers with different sociodemographic background

Zwar, L., König, H.-H., & Hajek, A. (2024). Caregiving intensity and its association with subjective views of ageing among informal caregivers with different sociodemographic background: A longitudinal analysis from Germany. European Journal of Ageing, 21(1), 4

other publications

D80+: Codebuch für den deutschen Scientific Use File

Albrecht, A. (2023). D80+: Codebuch für den deutschen Scientific Use File. Köln: CERES.

refereed journal article

Multimorbidity patterns in the German general population aged 40 years and over

Amirzada, M., Buczak-Stec, E., König, H.-H., & Hajek, A. (2023). Multimorbidity patterns in the German general population aged 40 years and over. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 114(November), 105067


Die Hochaltrigen II: Expertise zur Lebenslage von Menschen im Alter ab 80 Jahren

Amrhein, L., Falk, K., Kammerer, K., & Wolter, B. (2023). Die Hochaltrigen II: Expertise zur Lebenslage von Menschen im Alter ab 80 Jahren (2. Auflage). Forschung und Praxis der Gesundheitsförderung; Band 53. Köln: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)

refereed journal article

The association between the interaction of migration background and physical activity with loneliness

Baumbach, L., Barth, L., König, H.-H., & Hajek, A. (2023). The association between the interaction of migration background and physical activity with loneliness in middle-aged and older adults living in Germany. Psychogeriatrics, 23(4), 621-630.